

Founded in July, 2001, Dongying Vocational Institute (DVI) is a full-time ordinary institution of higher learning organized by Dongying Municipal Peoples Government upon the approval of Shandong Provincial Peoples Government. As the National Backbone Higher Vocational College of China, Demonstrative Higher Vocational College in Shandong Province and High-level Vocational Colleges with Chinese Characteristics and Professional Development, DVI has won successive honors including: National Excellent Organization in Vocational Core Competence Training, National Advanced Higher Vocational College in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, National College with Typical Experience in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Top 50 National Higher Vocational College in Services and Contributions, Top 50 National Higher Vocational College in Teaching Resources, Top 50 National Higher Vocational College in College-Industry-Teaching Integration, Top 50 National Higher Vocational College in International Influential of Intelligent Robots Specialty, and Chair Organization of Alternative Library Project of Specialty Teaching Resource Library of National Higher Vocational Colleges, as well as successive provincial honorary titles like Advanced Collective of Education System in Shandong Province, Advanced Higher College in Teaching Management, Civilized Organization of Shandong Province, Civilized Campus of Shandong Province, Excellent College in Moral Education, Demonstrative College in Law-based Governance, Advanced College in Student Assistance, Demonstrative College in College Students Entrepreneurship Education, Excellent College in Graduate Employment, Excellent College in Craftsmanship Spirit Cultivation and Safe Campus.

I. Superior Environment

(I) Obvious location advantages. Being a hub connecting the Central Plain Economic Zone and the Northeast Economic Zone, as well as the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economic Region and the Jiaodong Peninsula Economic Zone, Dongying is the central city in the Yellow River Delta Efficient Ecological Economic Zone, a frontier city of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone, an important node city in Bohai Rim Region, and a city benefiting from the Coordinated Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. It has been determined to become an important efficient eco-economic demonstration zone, a leading zone in sustainable development of resource-based cities, and a regional central city during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period (2016-2020).

(II) Solid industrial background. Dongying, a city of petroleum equipment in China, is the national petrochemical industrial base and the petroleum equipment manufacturing base of China. Witnessing rapid growth in such sectors as information technology, modern services and cultural education, Dongying enjoys prominent advantages in four industrial clusters of petrochemical and salt chemical, rubber tyres and auto parts, non-ferrous metals and petroleum equipment. With the petroleum refining capacity of 69 million tons, Dongying tops China in terms of refining capacity and houses, six refining enterprises that rank top 10 throughout China, as well as over 500 petroleum equipment enterprises. The total output value of the petroleum equipment manufacturing in Donging accounts for one third of the whole country. It is also the worlds largest tyre manufacturing and export base with its products sold to over 180 countries and regions worldwide. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016~2020), Dongying has decided to implement the national strategy for innovation-driven development, foster new driving forces for development, promote economic transformation and upgrading, build a modern industrial systemcored in advanced manufacturing, led by strategic emerging industries and oriented in modern service industry, and build a domestically leading advanced manufacturing base and regional service center with global influence.

(III) Robust support from the government. In the Action Plan for Improving the Modern Vocational Education System in Dongying (2016~2020), it is stipulated to support DVI to pilot the modern apprenticeship system and build it into an influential and well-known college in China. It is also clearly stated in the Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Dongying City to support DVI to build itself an excellent higher vocational college.

II. Powerful Strength

(I) Advanced philosophy on school management. Following the principle of moral education-based talent cultivation, DVI has further defined its orientation as a high-quality technical personnel training base, a high-skill and new technology training base, a scientific R&D and technical service center, and a continuing education and cultural communication center in the Yellow River Delta Region with industry-teaching integration as the main thread. DVI has also determined its connotative development path featuring focus on students, priority to quality, featured brand, openness and inclusion and win-by-culture, and its development goal of building a featured, international and entrepreneurial famous higher vocational college. In the meantime, DVI has put forward six major tasks of high-standard planning, high-quality talent education, large-scale training, deep integration, dual-qualified teachers and high-level services, and five major visions of highlighting petroleum and petrochemical characteristics, creating innovative and entrepreneurial brands, cultivating artificial intelligence highlights, forming an open governance pattern, and improving the international influence.

(II) Significantly improved faculty level. DVI has established the Teacher Development Center and enterprise practice training base that aim at serving the faculties and facilitating the reform in education to co-train teachers with enterprises. Among all the full-time teachers, 78% have won their masters degree or above and 88% are dual-qualified teachers. Moreover, DVI has formed a resource library that houses 850 part-time teachers, a national teaching team, ten Shandong provincial teaching teams, and a Huang Danian-type teaching team. Notably, thirty-seven teachers of DVI have been awarded the National Model Teacher, National Advanced Individual in Vocational Education, the Most Beautiful Teacher in Shandong, Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions at Shandong Provincial Level, and other honorable titles.

(III) Complete internship and training conditions. DVI has built 167 practical training rooms with the in-campus training area of over 110,000 square meters. There are also the High-skill Talent Public Training Base in Dongying, Modern Manufacturing and Processing Training Center, Petroleum Engineering Technical Training Center, and other practical training centers. The Petrochemical Training Base is granted the National Demonstrative Training Base, while DVI is granted the Demonstrative Base for IOT Talent Education of Shandong Province.

(IV) Remarkable achievements in discipline construction. With eight national key majors, DVI has built two Shandong provincial demonstrative majors, eight Shandong provincial featured majors, three Shandong provincial brand major groups, and three 3-year junior college + 2-year undergraduate majors. In the meantime, DVI has developed two national quality courses, two national quality resources sharing courses, forty-four Shandong provincial quality courses, and twenty Shandong provincial quality resources sharing courses. DVI has been successfully listed as the first batch of modern apprenticeship system pilot colleges by the Ministry of Education, with its Petrochemical Technology included as the first batch of modern apprenticeship system pilot majors of Shandong Province. In addition, DVI has won numerous national and provincial awards, including one second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award and fifteen Shandong Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards (including one grand prize).

(V) Remarkable performance in ideological and political work. DVI is the “Advanced Collective of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities in Shandong Province” and “Innovation Award of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province” (Top 10 Collectives), being the only higher vocational college among the award winners. DVI has published six monographs on ideological and political work, four of which won the first prize at Shandong provincial level. DVI has also won series of prizes successively, including the first prize of “Chinese Classic Reading Contest” in Vocational Colleges of Shandong Province and “Excellent Organizer in Mental Health Festival of Shandong Province, with its Mental Health Education Center awarded as the “Demonstration Center of Mental Health Education for College Students in Shandong Province”. Teachers and students from DVI have successively won numerous awards: one “Top Ten Counselors in Universities in Shandong”, one “Top Ten Excellent Students in Universities in Shandong” and one “Good People in China” organized by the Civilization Office of the Central Communist Party Committee. One student won the runner-up of the London Paralympic Games and the Asian Paralympic Games. Another student won the national mountaineering championship, and was named “National Excellent Communist Youth League Member” and “Star of Self-improvement of Chinese College Students”.

III. Distinctive Features

(I) Petroleum and petrochemical. DVI has led to establish the Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment and Technology Vocational Education Group, which is the host member of the Chemical Vocational Education Professional Construction Steering Committee of Shandong Province and the national petroleum and chemical industry vocational education and training demonstration training base. The Petrochemical Technology has been identified and approved as the national and provincial modern apprenticeship system pilot. DVI has initiated to develop the teaching guidance schemes for three majors of Petrochemical Technology, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Chemical Equipment Technology of higher vocational college in Shandong Province, with the petrochemical teaching resource library it chairs identified as the national alternative library and the petrochemical specialty group selected as the featured high-level specialty group in China.

(II)Innovation and entrepreneurship brands. DVI has built “three platforms” of Entrepreneurship College, Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base, established “three systems” of entrepreneurship education courses, entrepreneurship education evaluation and entrepreneurship project output, and organically integrated the innovation and entrepreneurship education with professional education, students’ association activities and the building of creation cultural brands. DVI has fostered profound creation cultural atmosphere featuring “creativity, innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, excellence and efficiency, as well as DVI, a platform to realize dreams and create a better future. In recent years, over 400 college students have started entrepreneurship, while more than 10 are entrepreneurial models with great influence throughout Shandong Province. DVIs innovation and entrepreneurship education reform project won the second prize of National Vocational Education Teaching Achievement and the special prize of Shandong Provincial Vocational Education Teaching Achievement. Being awarded the Top 50 Universities with Typical Experience in Innovation and Entrepreneurship by the Ministry of Education, DVI is the project initiation organization of the pilot incubator of “Golden Seed Plan” of cultural Industry, the first batch of Youth Entrepreneurship Incubation Demonstration Bases, the College Students’ Entrepreneurship Incubation Demonstration Bases, and the Maker Space in Shandong Province.

(III) Artificial intelligence. DVI has been identified by the Ministry of Education as the pilot college of “AI+ Smart Learning” Artificial Intelligence College Co-building Program. It has also introduced high-quality resources of Tarena International, Inc. to build the Artificial Intelligence College, and established the Yellow River Delta Institute of Artificial Intelligence Innovation. Moreover, DVI hosted the first Shandong Artificial Intelligence Vocational Education Conference, and won the Outstanding Contribution Award of the New Generation Information Technology Innovation and Application Competition in Shandong Province. DVI also initiated to establish the National Artificial Intelligence Vocational Education Group as the president unit and executive deputy secretary-general unit. The group has been now registered and filed on the management platform of the Vocational Education Group of the Ministry of Education, with relevant work rolled out in full swing.

(IV)Inclusive paths for operation and management. DVI has made all endeavors to improve its international influence by introducing overseas experts, education resources and students, and dispatching its professional teachers, students and graduates abroad for exchange. So far, DVI has introduced fifteen professional textbooks from Germany and other countries, introduced one international vocational qualification certification standard, and developed two professional standards that are line with international standards. Placing the focus on countries along the Belt and Road, DVI has proactively promoted the cooperative education: establishing AHK Sino-German (Dongying) Vocational Training Center, co-building the International College of DVI with Kerui Group, establishing Luban Workshop in Saudi Arabia, becoming a member of the China Council of Association of Silk Road Countries Universities and Consulting Companies, and holding the remote video conference for international cooperation with the Embassy of Kenya in China, with memorandum of understanding signed.

(V) Industry-education integration mechanism. DVI further optimizes the industry-education integration mechanism from three dimensions of point, line and plane. As for the dimension of plane, DVI has systematically promoted the industry-education integration by following the industrial development and taking into account the demands for talents resorting to the support and resources of the district and county governments, the National Agricultural High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zone, national and provincial economic development zones. With regard to the dimension of line, DVI has organically facilitated the integration by joining 48 industrial organizations including China Education Association of Chemical Industry and serving as the deputy secretary-general unit or above in 22 industry associations, and vigorously promoted the in-depth integration of its majors and various industries by considering the industry development trend and introducing advanced industry standards. In terms of the dimension of point, DVI has made all endeavors for breakthrough. It has established cooperation with Wanda and other key enterprises to build the industry-education-study-entrepreneurship” platforms and rolled out the cooperative education of college and enterprises in full swing. Rated as “Model College in College-enterprise Cooperation Integration of Shandong Province and awarded “Top 50 Chinese Vocational Colleges in Industry-Education Integration, DVI set up a Special Committee for Industry-Education Integration in Shandong Soft Science Research Association, unveiled Shandong Think Tank Center for Industry-Education Integration at the opening ceremony of the annual meeting of Shandong Association for Science and Technology, and held the Summit Forum on Industry-Education Integration in Vocational Colleges and Taishan Science and Technology Forum.

(Data as of December 2020)

Address: No.129 Fuqian Street, Dongying City, Shandong Province

Tel.: 895165572 (General Office); 0546-8060063 (Admission Office)

Postal Code: 895165306


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